The Copenhagen Climate Meeting FAILED.
They didn't come to a good conclcusion, not all together anyway.
I was talking to a friend of mine, and we were "discussing it". His msn personal message read: ‘why has the Copenhagen meeting been allowed to fail?’
because it is impossible not to piss people off when you shove however many people in a room and try to get to a single conclusion
you can't do it
and then as much as obama was trying to solve somethhing
he just pissed people off by coming to a conclusion with a very small group of people
and leaving others out
honestly, you can do it, easily, especially for something as important and necessary as this was
no you can't
if you involve developing countries
and he did, but that is because they were the only ones who actually wanted to do anything, rather than leaving others out
the developing countries need to go through the industry boom that we have already been through to get themselves out of development status
therefore they won't accept it
some will feel singled out
some will have personal grudges
some will just plain disagree
you can't reach a conclusion to single targets with that amount of people
thats like trying to get
all of year 12 and 13 to agree on what food to have (single dish) for dinner every day for a year
everyone will have some different ideas, needs and values..
which means it would probably become something vegetarian, or chicken
in this case, that was obama talking to a small group of people
I disagree completely
by trying to please everyone
they have failed
and pissed off everybody
of course there are problems, but they can be overcome
not in the short time that they have had
the simple answer to your example, is to have more than one dish
yes, but that is not what they were trying to do.
although people can always think of examples which are very irrelevent to the discussion
they were trying to decide on a single dish
and they could have tried for longer
they were trying to decide on a single standard limit... a single dish as it were
everyone the same targets
and it failed
because that can't be done
it can be done, it requires will, but it is possible
yeah, they could do it if they set a low standard
but that would piss people off everywhere
because china is not going to agree to a 20% emission cut by 2020
they are currently going through there own "industrial revolution"
which requires them to build more power plants and other polluting things, because they're not going to go completely nuclear
the only thing china has promised so far is to cut the intensity of their carbon admissions
what I'm saying is that china should want to cut more
they should, but they won't because they need to get through their revolution.
furthermore they want to maintain sino-american and sino-british relations
which are relatively new.
and if you tell them that's not allowed, they are not going to be happy...
every other country, which is now in the first world, has been allowed to go through that period. whereas by telling them they have to cut it all, means that they are not allowed to become a truly developed country
which they would percieve unfair
which when you look at it that way is understandable.
understandable, yes, but still wrong
I hate how countries are so obsessed over their economy
but without a substantial economy it would be impossible to have people out of poverty
without substantial economies there is no third world aid
it would be nice if everyone could have all of their debts written off
so all of us
the WHOLE world
can start
with a clean slate
have everyone developed to the same point, without debt and without poverty
and allow them to start again
If the richest peopple in the world wanted to solve poverty, it really would not be that difficult
yes but the richest people in the world don't want to
If countries stopped pouring money into the armed forces and into areas that matter, it would be so much better
but they should!
*I partially agree with your last statement, except for the fact that there are still issues that need to be resolved.. look at the arab-israeli crisis
that requires an army
it requires an agreement, a solution involving talking
not an army
*however, the problems there are paradoxical
*and people are still fighting
which is why they should see sense and stop